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Generate a new file when a Google Form is filled, and create outstanding Google Docs or Microsoft files

Create your document template

In our example, we will add the tags {{Date}}, {{First Name}} and {{Last Name}} in a Google Docs template:

Template Google Docs

Note:  You can skip this step and create directly your template from your sheet with Publigo! See the last section to learn how.

Create a Google Form

Google form example

Generate document on form submit with Publigo 

Google Form responses
Open Publigo from your sheet

If you want to use an existing template, click Open to open the folder picker and select your document template:

To create a new template, simply click on New, below the type of document you wish to create:

For example, if you click on new bellow Google Sheets, Publigo will create a new spreadsheet named [Publigo] My Template and store it in the same folder as the form.

Schedule merge
Generate on form submit

A document will be automatically generated every time a response is submitted!

Generate a file on form submission