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In this article you will learn how to uninstall triggers that no longer work.
The stop working can be due to several actions on your side but it is mainly due to the definitive deletion of a template or a data source
Beware that deleting some triggers may cause your scheduled campaigns to not be launched
If you received an error email from Google regarding the launch of a trigger, follow A)You received a Summary of failures email notification. Otherwise, proceed to B)Directly access the Triggers from Apps Script.
A. You received a Summary of failures email notification
If you received this email from Google with the object starting with "Summary of failures for Google Apps Script", it means that your trigger failed. it means that your trigger has failed.
To resolve this:
- Click the link provided by Google that says “click here”.
A new window will open with a table displaying the trigger that Publigo created.
2. On the row where your trigger is displayed, click More actions (three dots on the right) > Delete trigger
If you wrote {{date}} in your document but you entered {{Date}} in your datasource, Publigo won’t replace this merge field because of the discrepancy. Merge tags are case and space sensitive.
3. A pop up will open, click DELETE FOREVER to confirm.
The problematic trigger should now be removed from the list
B. Directly access the Triggers from Apps Script
Look for relevant triggers, (Publigo’s triggers are marked as "Time-based" in the "Event" column).
📌 Note: In the "Last Run" column, the first date from the top is usually the most recent one.
2. On the row where your trigger is displayed, click More actions (three dots on the right) > Delete trigger
3. A pop up will open, click DELETE FOREVER to confirm.
The problematic trigger should now be removed from the list