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Share your generated documents and control who can view, comment or edit, directly from Publigo!

Prerequisite: Publigo must be installed on your Google account.

You can install Publigo from the Google Marketplace or from your Google Sheets by clicking on the "+" button in the side panel.

1- At the top right of the Publigo sidebar, open the more options menu and select Set up file sharing:

  2- Specify who has access to the generated files

To use the same sharing rule for all your documents:

Use sheet columns to write email addresses

  3- If you don't want the persons you are sharing your files with to receive the Google notification, you can disable them by checking the Disable Google Notification checkbox:

Note: you can disable Google Notifications and send instead a personalized email with the!

You can now click on Save, your sharing option will remain under the generate button. You can modify it at any time and overlay sharing options.

When generating and your files, they will be shared:

Document shared